And when it comes to the minorities; especially black - we as a people, for the past 400 years - is the greatest example of behavior modification in the history of civilization. We have had everything taken away from us, and yet we have all learned how to survive.
蒲公英是sperm;连环生育的镜头表达了男性对于女性fertility的嫉妒最天才的画面是分叉的手总体来说这部电影是一群巧妙意象的集合而美中不足的是主线故事不足以将这些意象凝合起来数码兽大冒险tri最终成品是a heap of broken images但也许这就是导演的intention
I actually try not to be found. I'm gonna be all the way out there, all the way fucking out there.Just on my own.